35 million people in Tamil Nadu live on around £1 a day


Udaiyar is a farmer in Tamil Nadu and he has 18 goats which are immunised by the charity Social Change and Development Udaiyar’s Story

Udaiyar is a farmer in a village called Sevelkulam. He has 18 goats which are the basis of his household income.

He used to have a much larger herd but 30 of his goats died three years ago of goat plague and life was very difficult for him and his family.

Veterinary camps protect and educate farmers about animal husbandry

Udaiyar has been attending our quarterly veterinary camps for the past two years. Now his goats are immunised against many diseases including goat plague and de-wormed. It costs him R.5 per goat.

Since he’s been attending the vet camps, Udaiyar has noticed a dramatic improvement in his livestock. He said: “There has been no deaths and my goats have very good body weight gain.”

Vet camps are just one example of the way in which we help farming communities

Read more about our work with farmers or watch a film about our work in empowering communities. If you would like to help us to facilitate more veterinary camps please donate.


